
Posts Tagged ‘Jenifa’

Ok, a little background talk…I’ll be first to admit it…I love Nigerian home videos (not the ones with poor sound or other such major technical defects, or poor translation, for the non-english ones), but well-done ones with artistes who know their onions.

funke akindeleOne such artiste is Funke Akindele (of the Yoruba Home Video genre)…definitely one of my favorite home video actresses, I have liked her since her days as an inquisitive teenager in the rested TV drama series “I need to Know”. Funke is the star of the much talked about rib-crackingly funny JENIFA…which I recently learnt she actually produced…as in, you know, I mean…lol…

Now I know most of you have either seen Jenifa or heard so much about it that you feel like you don’t even need to see it anymore…so, I won’t bore you by going into too much detail…I’ll just like to point out a few things that I think the movie projects;

1. Aristo runs (being bank-rolled by sugar-daddies) don’t pay off…they usually have dire consequences like HIV/AIDS and other STDs, unwanted pregnancies leading to multiple abortions, which in turn could lead to more severe consequences like permanent damage to the womb, or even DEATH.

2. Greed, and the desire to “get rich quick” or earn “easy money”, is the bane of many…in the movie, we see how the desire for a hummer jeep led to the use of tens of party-going girls for ritual purposes.

3. Parents should endevour to check on their children in school, at least once a while…there are actually floaters (non-students) in higher institutions, whose parents are led on to beleive their wards are registered students.

4. Parents (even the illiterate ones) should learn to question their children (especially female) about their source of income while still studying, rather than accepting expensive gifts and money from them.

That said, I think the movie dragged too long and almost lost its flava by the second half of part 2. Ironically, my favorite scene is in part 2…where Izomudia’s mum and uncle went to pick her stuff up from the school (after her death)…the Uncle’s funny Yoruba accent did me in…watch the beginning part of the clip below to hear him…

Apologies to my non-Yoruba understanding peeps…plealz (please) don’t be offended…

For fellow Funke Akindele fans, she recently guest-hosted Sound-City, a musical count-down programme, where she talked more about herself, her movies, Jenifa, etc…in the now “typical-to-her” Jenifa manner…below is one of the clips (there are three in all)…see ya, catch ya, larer!

PS: you can fast-forward through all the music videos (except Lagbaja’s “dream come through”) and just listen to Jenifa, I mean, Funke Akindele…enjoy!

You can read my review (sort of) of the shopperholicHERE!

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Now I bet you’ve all heard of this movie…released Feb 13th…starring Isla Fisher as Rebecca Bloomwood?

It’s 2 a.m and my eyes are bloodshot and popping out of their sockets (I know, who send me right?). Actually, I’m a late sleeper… Hubby is battling with one of the laptops that went and caught a virus ‘bug’…very annoying, as sites keep “hanging”…

Well, I’m watching the UK premier of the above movie on ITV2…I must confess (confessions have started) I can’t wait to go see the movie in the cinema…what, with all the hype and the funny scenes in the trailer…I particularly like the scene where she declares “underwear is a basic human right!” after being accused by her friend, of spending over $200 on underwear in one shopping rendezvous, and the scene where she digs out her credit card from a huge piece of ice…lol…I thought whaat? that serious? I also like the fact that she “repents” and puts her life back together, after hitting rock bottom…

Ok, don’t get it twisted, I’m no shopperholic, even though I do love to shop. What gurl doesn’t? If you are a girl and don’t love to shop, holla at me and I’ll prove you wrong…challenge on! Anyway, I think the movie is relevant in the prevailing economic circumstances, and also sends a message to us all (especially the ladies) with respect to our spending habits…the rule is this…always ask yourself; do I really need it? can I afford it? can I get it cheaper elsewhere?…hope that helps…

While we are on movies, hubby and I went to see newly released ‘He’s just not that into you’ on Feb 13…and I would recommend it to anyone, especially the gurls…Also loved Bride Wars…I guess I really like the “Chick Flick” kind of movies…I’m a romantic at heart, do forgive me…that doesn’t mean I don’t join hubby to watch 24 every Monday @ 9pm…I’m also a Jack Bauer fan…that’s right!

My Fav Naija movie for now though is JENIFA. Now, you’ld agree with me that SHE deserves a whole post…for another time though…cos now, I gotta go to bed…

Update; I have done a post on Jenifa…read it HERE!

See ya, catch ya, larer…lol…

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