
Posts Tagged ‘facebook’


 – I can’t even begin to think what must be on the minds of these children – do they really  plan to start the generator? And the one with his leg on the Gen? lol.








 – someone had so much time, probably while waiting for the soup, to turn his eba into a face??? (PS: Eba ia made from garri, a staple starchy food in Nigeria)






 – I saw this on Facebook sometime ago, and while I hope it’s a fabrication/joke, I can’t help but wonder: if someone sent you this message on Facebook, what would you do? laff it off? delete the person asap? pass a caption of the message around for laffs?







 – Unique – this “bed-dress” or what do I call it? I actually like it…but a bit creepy? No?









 – Imagine if this became an official mode of transport. For women. Or perhaps, for better comic relief, for men! lol.









 – Mr Ibu (Nigerian Comedian) on a movie set – no further comments.









 – Want to be a millionaire? Answer the question!








 – A cockerel is a sheep? LWKPH!









 – I say Amen! What do you say?








Have a fantastic weekend.


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Slowly but surely, I am closing down my facebook account. It all started sometime last week when my hubby got back from work and told me he had closed his fb account and would recommend I did same. Y? I asked. His answer? He felt he had been spending too much time on facebook…valuable time that could be spent doing more productive things. That same night, he received a call from one of his friends, a lady who works with one of the Government agencies, and she was also advising him to shut down his fb account on grounds of fraud.

These statements led me to conduct a then disinterested search for news concerning fb. My findings?

I came across the following news on CNN. The first describes a most shocking case of impersonation and fraud on facebook. Read the story here; http://edition.cnn.com/2009/TECH/02/05/facebook.impostors/index.html

To make matters worse and further motivate me to indeed close my fb account, Facebook management announced an alteration to its terms and conditions claiming that it would now have rights to users’ contents “forever”.

What! No way! I certainly wasn’t the only one who felt that way. Following a much expected (at least by me) furore by fb account holders, facebook made an about turn. They are now insisting (rather too late if I may say) that users’ contents belong (and rightly so) to users, and that they would revert back to their old T&Cs “for now”. For now? Read that here;


Still not good enough for me I’m afraid…I’m toeing my hubby’s footsteps. Soon and very soon!


  • I’ve decided to keep my fb account open for a while (only deleted some personal details and most of my pix)…why the change of mind? I think it’s a good platform to promote Anoda Phase…what do you think?
  • lol…hubby reactivated his fb account too…I guess it’s addictive…

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