
Posts Tagged ‘time’

What 5 things would you




From time to time I ask myself this question, and I go back to my list…

Even though I haven’t filled in the 15 things, I find that despite time having gone by, most of my list remains the same…


Sometimes I wonder…does this mean that  these are my passions/interests? OR my purpose?


International travel, Real Estate portfolio, and Published Writer, are examples of the above categories, from my list.


How about you? If time and money were not obstacles, what 5 things would you DO? HAVE? BECOME?

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On Friday, hubby and I saw an episode of “Britain’s got Talent”…you know, the UK talent show where winners get to take home a hundred thousand pounds, in addition to the privilege of performing at the annual Royal variety show, before the Queen and her son, Prince Charles.

Whilst I think some of the contestants are totally not IT, and only come on to the show to achieve a feat of “appearing on TV” e.g. this guy HERE, who (coincidentally) happens to be a fellow Nigerian, and (rather annoyingly) managed to secure 2 “Yeses” from the judges…the show really does turn out to be a discovery ground for several good, or sometimes even great talents/acts (too numerous to mention)…

One latest such discovery was Sue Son, a violinist, who initially came on the show as a duo called “Addicted” with her best friend…Sue was playing the violin while her bestie was on the keyboard (see their performance HERE)…the judges felt the two didn’t quite go well together, and consequently all said NO to their act…however, in an awesome act of “fate” (as some would say) the judges offered Sue a chance to return and perform as a solo act, because they felt she played well, and was a natural talent…Sue struggled with the decision, not wanting to look like she was betraying her friend, but amidst pressure mounted on her by Simon Cowell, the show’s chief judge, and the crowd chanting and urging her to accept, Sue accepted and returned to play on her own (see her solo act HERE)…and of course, she played very well (by my own standards at least) and earned a well deserved “3 Yeses” from the judges…

Now, why am I telling you all this story?

As I sat there watching events unfold after the initial duo’s performance, it occured to me that such indeed, is life…2 people compete together (together as in, on the same side) for the same thing, and 1 gets singled out…Sue could have rejected the offer, preferring instead to remain loyal to her best friend…but what if…just what if, that had been ordained as her one big chance to shine…to get discovered…to make a name for herself? What if that was her destiny in life? If roles had been reversed, what would her friend have done?

The scenario took me back a few years ago, when a close friend had attended the initial screening of an airline and was invited back for an aptitude test…she told myself and another one of our friends about the ongoing screening (which was going to end in another two hours or so) but warned that there were height restrictions which we might not scale through…as we were both petite, my friend and I immediately dismissed the idea of attending the screening. 30 minutes later, we were feeling very bored, as it was our CD day (we were youth corpers then) and we had nowhere to go…so we put on some formal clothes and headed for the hotel where the screening was being held. We were the last batch of people attended to that fateful day, and while I got invited back for an interview the following week, my friend said she wasn’t even offered a seat, but was immediately told NO!

The following week, friend 1 and I attended the aptitude test; test 1 was mathematics and only those who passed it would be allowed to take test 2 – English language…there were only 6 questions in the maths test and I knew that even a secondary school student would easily pass that test. Surprisingly though, when the names of those who were moving on to take test 2 were called out, my name and friend 1’s name were conspicously absent…we left the venue together and headed for her office, both sure we had passed, and that there was probably some partiality going on behind the scenes…about 30-45 minutes later, we both received calls asking us to return to take the English test, as we had passed the maths test.

We returned and took the English language test, and this time around, I was the only one selected for interview the following day…my friend hugged me and wished me the very best…As far as that company was concerned, it was farewell to her…I did eventually go on to get a job with the airline, and my friend got a job with British American Tobacco (BAT).

Lessons learnt;

At that time, I thoroughly empathised with my friend, and thought it was unfair that the friend who had told me about the opportunity in the first place, didn’t get to go far in the recruitment process, talk more of getting the job, but I later realised that such is life, and that God has pre-destined our individual paths differently…

When your time comes to shine, when life presents you with an opportunity or a second chance (as in Sue’s case), when God opens a door for you (probably through another person, like me)…please TAKE it, and make the best of that opportunity…

Or when it seems like you’ve just lost (or been denied) a big opportunity…when you feel like someone you consider(ed) a friend took your spot in the light…take a step back and think; maybe this isn’t for me? Maybe God has something else (probably better than this) in stock for me?…

Have you had a similar experience? Was it like Sue’s or like mine? Or maybe like 1 of the friends’? Please feel free to share with us…

May God continually lead and direct us right…Amen!

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This is a quick follow up to yesterday’s post on Time Management…and is a continuation of my response to the issue/question raised by Teegirl on how to spend her time more creatively, hence more productively…I have reproduced her comment in it’s original form below, highlighting the portion that informed this follow-up post;

“Very interesting. No. 4 is a new concept 4 me bt i sure hv learnt something new. 4give my genuity and lack of creativity, I hv 24hrs in a day bt spend more than 18hrs being idle. Wot advise can i gt bcos i c dat am not only being unproductive bt also wasting a very Valuable resource Time“.

The following list is only suggestive, and is not in any way exhaustiveplease feel free to add to the list by way of comments, or you can email your additions to me and I will update the post accordingly…

dont-give-up1So here goes… my 10 ideas for using your time creatively, and productively…

1. Read books…on a wide variety of topics…no knowledge gained is ever a waste…

2. Write a book…as I said to Teegirl yesterday in my response to her; a page a day, a chapter at a time…or start a blog as I have done…

3. Volunteer with a charity organisation…for example, Christian Aid…or get a part-time job…

4. Join a club/group…a fitness club, a book club, a knitting group, etc…

5. Learn something new…how to sew, preparing a new dish, a musical instrument…

6. Take a course…on Management, Social work, Communication skills, or anything else that tickles you…

7. Go back to school…you are never too old to acquire a/another degree…be it your first, or a Masters, a Phd, or a Professional qualification…

8. Teach…share your knowledge on any area that you feel competent at…opportunities abound for graduates to Teach First…remember what they say about knowledge shared?

9. Turn a hobby/passion/talent, into a money-making venture…eg. start charging a fee for those lovely cakes you bake, or the hair you fix for others…

10. I leave this one to Teegirl…I’m sure you get my drift now…

Want to add to this list? I’ld love to hear from you…hit the comments button now…



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thumb_time_managementWe hear the phrase time management frequently….especially in our work lives…so, what exactly is time management?

Well, let’s break it down first…what is time? Quite simply, time refers to a limited period or interval between two successive events…

Management is the art of managing, directing, and controlling…

Hence, it is only logical to conclude, that time management is the art of managing, directing, and controlling time (ususally, one’s own)…

Why then is the management of time such a difficult thing for some of us?…In this post, I attempt to share a few tips on how to manage time better, in order to get more done, and achieve more effective results…

1. Wake up earlier…subtract 15-30 minutes from your usual wake-up time…use an alarm clock if necessary…

2. Write things down…use a diary/schedule planner, or simply carry a “to-do” list or a notebook, around…remember; “failure to plan is planning to fail”…

3. Stop procrastinating…do today what you can do today…only leave until tomorrow what you can’t do today…make a list of other bad habits that steal your time, and work on them…

4. Set goals and objectives; personal and business…Prioritize your work…seperate tasks into “urgent vs. important”…remember; “urgent things are seldom important, and important things are seldom urgent”…

5. Don’t take on more than you can handle…ask for help when you need it…learn to delegate; you can’t do all…

6. Learn to say NO nicely (i.e. without offending anyone)…offer or accept to help only when you can…

7. Avoid staying idle…remember “an idle mind is the devil’s workshop”…don’t spend time gossiping or peddling rumours…use your time productively…whatever time you fail to invest properly is written off and can no longer be regained…

8. Make time out for different occassions; work, play, etc. and do not cheat, i.e. don’t work during play time, and vice versa…

I conclude on the following points;

  • time is valuable, and when spent productively, can yield very positive results…
  • time is limited, so make the best use of it while you’ve got it…take control and decide not to waste any more time…
  • time is money! spend it wisely…
  • better time management = less stress management

I came accross the following quote in an email sent to me by a friend… “Yesterday is history…tomorrow, a mystery…today is a gift”…

Did I leave anything out? Have you got other time management tips? Please feel free to share with us…

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…whether you are already married or still at the “engaged” stage, or even in the “just-friends” stage of your relationship, it is very important to always create time for each other, time to be together…never be too busy for that special someone.

For the purpose of this post, let’s define a couple as “any two people of opposite sexes (i.e. man and woman) in a special relationship”, not only married couples.

A couple’s best asset is each other, and couple-time should therefore be included in the routine/schedule of both parties…time to play, to work, to relax, to discuss issues, to get to know each other better, etc…It is very important for a couple to consciously create time to spend together…plan your time appropriately, ensuring a realistic schedule.

Never take your career/job more seriously than your partner…always consider your partner “a prize” to be valued more highly than any other person or thing.

As a lady, if you already have kids (I prefer to call them children, kid reminds me of the young of some stubborn animal) don’t leave your husband to cleave to your children…next to your maker, more attention should be given to your husband, afterall he was, before the children came to be…also, the primary aim of marriage is companionship, the children are secondary.

For the men; women need special care and attention, and should not be treated as you would treat a fellow man…your woman is special and should be cared for as such…

Both of you should take note of important dates, i.e. birthdays, wedding/meeting anniversaries, and other key dates in each other’s lives…in my case, I am very bad not very good at remembering dates (that is, apart from hubby’s birthday and our wedding anniversary) but hubby on the other hand remembers every little date, including birthdays of distant relatives…so we complement each other…you can find other areas where one is strong and the other weak not so strong, to complement one another.

You should also consider one another’s preferences and tastes when planning activities or outings, so that no one is left feeling out of place…for example, while I am a very indoorsy type of person, hubby is very outdoorsy, so we have to make allowances for each other…I get him to enjoy being home by cooking him a nice meal/ordering a take-out, playing indoor games, eg. cards/ludo/draught, watching a movie while cuddled up together in bed or on the sofa, etc…but we still find time to go out often to the cinema, a nice chinese restaurant, or other places of interest…

If you have been good at creating time for your loved one, all well and good…please keep it up and continue to find more creative ways to spend quality time together…if on the other hand, you haven’t been doing so well at this, then now is the time…it’s never too late to create time for that special someone…and have fun doing it…enjoy!

Related Topic;

Resolving Conflict as a Couple


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