
Posts Tagged ‘forgiveness’

We Fall Down, But We Get Up…

Early last month, I had a conversation with a family member, and let’s just say I came out of that conversation feeling like a failure.


They practically used an area of my life that is currently a “challenge” to insult me, and oh, it hurt – really, truly, deeply, hurt. I cried, and cried, and then cried some more.


I was broken to many pieces and was at an all-time low for a while – I even contemplated doing something that I’m ashamed to say I even thought about – I lost interest in many things, blogging included.


In all of these though, I had to fake being okay for my hubby and others’ sake (I gave hubby an abridged version of what happened).


I took the matter to the Lord and rather than ask “Why me?” or such other questions, I tearfully begged Him to remember me, and look upon my case and turn it around to favour me.


I haven’t got the answer yet, but I see good signs, and “I hear the sound of abundance of rain”. I trust that in His own perfect and right time, the Lord will answer me and put a new song in my mouth.


Why am I writing this? You may wonder…Well, it’s not so I can attract a pity-party and accumulate “sorries” and “it will be wells” (even though I’ll appreciate them).


…It’s simply so (hopefully) I can finally let the pain and hurt out of my physical body, and get back to doing the things that I truly enjoy (e.g. blogging and reading other blogs– lol). For this reason, I’m turning off comments on this post.


I came across this prayer in a book I read a few months ago – The Millionaire Joshua by Catherine Ponder – and if you are hurting or have been hurt by anyone recently, then please say the prayer with me:


“I now fully and freely forgive and release everything and everyone, who needs it, of the past or present – I forgive and release everyone – I am free and they are free too – All things are cleared up between us now and forever”


PS: After typing this post in the morning, I went off to read my Bible and pray. Guess what I came across?

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.
See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness
and streams in the wasteland.”
Is 43:18-19





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walk with God

Hi Everyone

How are you all doing today? I hope you’ve enjoyed your week.

I mentioned in the Testimony Corner that I was opportuned to share “My Story” in my Church Magazine. I thought I should share it here on Anoda Phase as well, just because…well, it may encourage somebody…

Note; I have done some editing to the original work, as I deemed suitable, so this is not the exact copy that was published…

“I grew up in an orthodox Christian family, Anglican to be precise. Although we always went to Church, I didn’t quite know what it meant to have a “deeper, more personal” relationship with God.

I first became born-again in my Junior Secondary School, after responding to an alter call at a ministration I attended in school. However, due to childhood exuberances and lack of people to mentor or keep me going in the faith, I soon forgot all about my new found faith.

When I got into the University in 1999, I joined a campus fellowship called Charis, attended the believers’ class, became a drama minister, and thus revived my walk with God.

When I came to the UK for my Masters degree, I joined the Redeemed Christian Church of God, and soon became a Church Usher. After completing my Masters programme, I moved to another city to take up a job offer. There, I joined yet another church, where I again joined the drama ministration team.

It hasn’t always been a smooth journey since 1999 until now though. Sometimes, I just wasn’t living the life that I knew He had called me to live, as His child. I looked back occasionally and failed to walk in His path, but I loved God, and would always run back to Him…And of course, He loves me even more, so He’d always take me back in His arms.

Over the years, I have learnt that God loves and cares for me irrespective of my past. He has taken me from the miry clay and set my feet upon the rock, to keep me from falling. He gave me His Holy Spirit, to be my teacher, guide, counsellor, and a voice of caution. The good Lord in His infinite mercies has been very good and kind to me, and to my family. He has preserved my soul and kept me in good health; I have never had to undergo surgery or ever been hospitalised.

I know that I can call on Him, and speak to Him about any and every thing, no matter how seemingly small or huge. I know that in my walk with Him, He holds my hand and leads me safely on. I’m assured and increasingly convinced that what He has said concerning me in His word and through His prophets shall come to pass; though it tarry, I shall wait for it.

I’m further blessed because the Lord led me to a man who encourages me to dream big, and supports me all the way…he’s my loudest cheerleader…and together, we desire to be instruments of God’s glory. I have a passion for inspiring and motivating teenage girls and young ladies. I also love to minister to people through Christian drama. I submit myself to be used of and by God, as He wills, in these (and other) areas”.

I really don’t know how this may apply to you reading this post, but I have a question for you; Are you currently going through a phase where you feel like, you are too “dirty, or sinful, or unworthy” to go before the Father? Do you feel ashamed, probably of something that you’ve done in your past? Are there inner (or even external) voices telling you that God couldn’t possibly want someone like you? Have you been a Christian before but fell along the way and are now struggling or finding it difficult to retrace your steps to the Father? Or have you never even been a Christian? Ok, I know that’s more than one question but honey, I’ve got good news for you…

Rom 8:1  There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit…need I say more? NO CONDEMNATION! Just ask Him for Mercy

John 3:16  For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life…God didn’t give “His only begotten son” for nothing…He loves you, and He wants you to be His…FOREVER!

1Ti 1:15  This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief…yes, He came to save sinners, not the “saved”…He came to save YOU!

Col 1:13-14  He rescued us from the power of darkness and brought us safe into the kingdom of his dear Son, by whom we are set free, that is, our sins are forgivenyour sins are forgiven…you are FREE!

Finally, I pray, that the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus, our very own Lord, and saviour. Amen.

Have a fantastic weekend.


PS; I’m experimenting with a new theme…do you like it?

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A Cry to God for Mercy

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A few months ago, a friend sent me an email of the following story… It touched (and still touches) my heart deeply, and as usual, I have decided to share it with you guys so that it can bless you as it blessed me…

duckimages“A little boy went visiting his grandparents on their farm. He was given a slingshot to play with, out in the woods. He practiced often in the woods, but could never hit the target. Getting a little discouraged, he headed back home for dinner, one evening. On his way, he saw his grandma’s pet duck. Out of impulse, he let the slingshot fly. It hit the duck square in the head, and killed it. The little boy was shocked and grieved. In a panic, he dug a shallow grave, and buried the duck, only to see his younger sister watching! Sally had seen it all, but she said nothing.

After lunch the next day, grandma said, “Sally, let’s go and do the Dishes.” But Sally said, “Grandma, Johnny told me he wanted to help in the kitchen.” Then she turned to Johnny and whispered to him, “Remember the duck?” So Johnny did the dishes. Later that day, grandpa asked if the children wanted to go fishing, and Grandma said, “I’m sorry but I need Sally to help make Supper.”

Sally just smiled and said,” Well that’s all right because Johnny told me he wanted to help with supper tonight.” Again, she turned and whispered to Johnny, “Remember the duck?” So Sally went fishing with grandpa, while Johnny stayed behind to help grandma.

After several days of doing both his and Sally’s chores, Johnny couldn’t stand it any longer, and finally went to grandma and confessed that he had killed the duck.

Grandma knelt down, gave him a big hug, and said, “Sweetheart, I know. I was standing at the window, and I saw the whole thing, but because I love you, I forgave you. I was just wondering how long you would let Sally make a slave of you.”


I don’t know about your past, or whatever you may have done, that the devil keeps reminding you of…you know, that lie you told, or the married man you dated, the time you cheated in an exam, or committed adultery/fornication, excessive anger, cheating, etc. …whatever it may be, God was standing at the window, and He saw the whole thing…but He has forgiven you, because he loves you…best of all, He has forgotten about it all…when you asked (hopefully you have, otherwise, it’s not too late) for forgiveness, God completely struck your sin out of His books.

He loves you and wants you to know that you are forgiven. He’s just wondering how long you will let the devil make a slave of you…refuse to listen to the devil’s mockery henceforth…reclaim your joy…it is yours!

Be lifted with the following song…Enjoy your weekend!

Your very own, JustDoyin…

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