
Posts Tagged ‘weekend break’

Yeah! 5 whole days! I had 5 whole days of relaxed fun, starting Saturday, up until yesterday, Wednesday…How? Well, hubby took the first three days of the week off from work, and we had a mini-blast…

Saturday started with hubby bringing me breakfast in bed…later in the day, we went to a family park not too far from home, and strolled hand-in-hand as we admired the greenery, the water and the folks fishing, the different kinds of birds and people feeding them, the children having serious fun and being lovingly watched over by their parents and guardians, dogs and their trainers doing incredible routines, boys of all ages on their skates and bikes doing all sorts of acrobatic displays and stunts…It really was beautiful…a few sights below…








Sunday service was amazing…we had the incredible Terry Law come minister to us @ Elim, on the subject of HOPE, and it was truly awesome to hear from him and watch his DVD, and see the marvelous things that God is doing through his ministry in places that he describes as “the closed countries of the world” i.e. countries that are hostile and/or resistant to christians and christianity…just google up his name and you’d be amazed at the information you uncover…Sunday dinner was a lovely Nandos take-out…

Monday; we stayed indoors all day…hubby did the garden, while I did some cooking, after which, we just had fun by ourselves, playing games and watching movies (Nigerian home videos, if you know me well…lol)…

On Tuesday, hubby got some good, well deserved hours of sleep, while I ransacked the w.w.w. for new blogs, and happily stalked the older, more familiar ones…Tuesday evening was “Much More”, the mid-week service @ my Church, and we heard more on HOPE…

On Wednesday, hubby and I headed out to the shopping mall…House of Fraser (HOF) and Debenhams were offering a massive 50% off SALE, and we wanted to check them out…4 hours later, and with bags from Hawes & Curtis @ HOF, H&M, Dorothy Perkins, and New Look, hubby and I were exhausted and headed home…I ended up with a mild headache and decided to sleep it off, waking up hours later, having missed my drama rehearsals (sorry Marie)…

Hubby went back to work today and I had time to do some house cleaning…this evening, a Mary Kay consultant came to my home to give a friend and I a presentation, which included beauty and skin care tips, as well as practical use/feel of the products, i.e. we got to try out a range of products from foundation and powder, to lip mask and balm, lip liner and gloss, mascara, the microdermabrasion set, satin hands,etc…and as the hostess for the day, I got to pick a free gift…I chose a Mary Kay lengthening mascara…Overall, it was a fun time and I really learnt a lot from the opportunity, even though I felt that most of the products were rather expensive (although thankfully, you are at liberty to NOT purchase any product)…I stumbled upon the offer @ this blog, which the Consultant (Ola or Mrs Abbey) told me today, is her daughter’s…She does cover the whole of the UK, so if you’d love some pampering, why not give her a call?

On a final note, I came across this very deep question on FaceBook, and as usual, I thought to put it to you and know what you think/make of it…

If your life was a publicly quoted Company, would you buy shares in it?



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I haven’t been updating for a while…hubby and I went for a well deserved break…(only to London, nothing fancy)…but we did have a nice time, many thanks to the lovely family members and friends who played host to us…I had fun not cooking, washing up, hoovering, etc…not like I do those all the time though cos hubby is soooooo helpful…I’m certainly blessed to have him.

Anyway, as I was saying about our London trip, We worshipped at HOTR (House on the Rock) London, pastored by Pastor (hope that isn’t tautology) Omawunmi Efueye, who also preached the sermon that Sunday. It was a great service and the sermon title was How to Get Gold in a Barren Land.

Pastor O, as he is fondly called by his congregation, gave three ways by which we can all obtain gold in a barren land;

1. Planning according to God’s word

2. Timely contact; here he reminded us that people come into our lives for seasons and for reasons (by the way, I have at least one personal experience of the seasonal relationship, which I will someday share with you…please remind me if I forget…lol) and stated that the key to cultivating our contacts is by being relevant and useful to those around us.

3. Industry/diligence/work. Ok, this was where Pastor O caught me hands down when he mentioned that diligence is the antidote to procrastination and daydreaming. Particular emphasis on procrastination, as in, for example this post was meant to have been written since sunday…I started and left if off till now for no apparently necessary reason…when hubby and I read today’s Open Heavens (actually not really today’s cos we are still using the 2007 edition…imagine that!)  and Pastor Adeboye mentioned that one of the biggest problems believers have is laziness, I felt oh no! talking to me again…I HAVE to change…for real! (Check out one of my periods of procrastination HERE!).

Anyway, there ends my download of Pastor O’s sermon…hope that’s not plagiarism though…lol…reminds me of my MSc. days when we were so scared of plagiarising any author’s work for fear of prosecution…lol…

Without meaning to offend anyone, I had always thought (based on hear-say, cos I had never attended HOTR) that it was an assembly of people with a mission to display their latest fashion collections…I mean, someone once told me that she stopped attending HOTR when her new clothes got finished and she ran out of money to purchase a new wardrobe, and I thought what! that ain’t what a Church should be? Don’t get me wrong, I do like and listen to Pastor Paul (the Senior Pastor of HOTR) now and again, it was just that I did have that bias against the Church. But now, having attended one of their services, even though it was at the London (not Lagos) Church, I’m convinced that you should never judge a book by its covers. Here’s the Church website link if you wish to check them out… http://www.hotr.org.uk/index.asp.

Oh, by the way, NEPA took light this evening, just as I was about to resume typing up this post…for good 30 minutes! Ok, I know there’s no NEPA here in the UK, but I have never (before today, that is) experienced or even heard of a lights out in the UK. As such, I was prompted to conclude that it must have been NEPA/PHCN, somehow.

I hereby take a pledge, to update my blog (as long as there’s something to write) more often…so help me God!

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