
Posts Tagged ‘opinion poll’

Thanks to all those who contributed to the last “I ask U” topic on AS vs AS marriage. The general consensus seemed to be against an AS couple getting married, to forestall a future of hospitals, medicines, and sorrow, in the “likely” event of SS children being borne. A few however, didn’t seem to see anything wrong with such a union, either on the grounds of love, or a Christian background (whereby, the couple could pray to prevent the above occurences)…I guess that in the end, this issue will differ on a couple-by-couple basis, and as such produce different responses.

Today’s question is based on a lesbian friend I once had…she suddenly started to display those lesbian tendencies and I ran as fast as my legs could carry me (flee!, the Bible tells me)…

What would you do if a close friend of your’s made lesbian (or homosexual, if you are a guy) moves at you? Was I wrong to have run? Should I have hung around her? Doing what?

As usual, I’d love to hear your thoughts…

UPDATE: Based on the question that most commenters have been asking, I’ve decided to add this update and say; YES! she did make a move on me, including physically touching (pls don’t ask me to expatiate) me…and this is the first time I’m telling anyone (well, except my hubby) about it…

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Hi all…how are you all doing? Hope you’ve been having a lovely week…

Many thanks to all those who have visited hubby’s blog…for your love and support in different forms…we both are veeeery grateful…

Ok! I have another question/issue for you to help me with…

I once broke off a relationship (actually, we both agreed it was the best thing to do) because we were both of the genotype “AS”…and you know what the medical concern is for a couple both being AS; that there’s a 25% chance of every child being born “SS”…However, I also know of a couple who defied all warnings and got married…haven’t heard from them since, so I don’t know if they have any children yet…

What do you think about AS couples getting married? Would you marry an AS person if you were/are also AS? Why? Why not?

What is the christian perspective of this issue? To marry, or not to marry? I believe some churches encourage couples-to-be to check that their genotypes are compatible…but is there a christian point-of-view on this?

I await your responses, my lovely people…

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jobimagesWhich would you prefer?

A job? or a business of your own? what reasons inform your choice?

Hubby once read in a book (and I paraphrase) that;

Most Africans, on arrival in a foreign country, seek a job…where-as most Asians, on arrival in a foreign country, seek business opportunities…

What is your opinion on the above statement? Do you concur? Do you not?

The above question and statement have been on my mind for a while now, and I would like to know your thoughts on them…comments please!

Have a lovely week…
Also Read;

A Job, or a Business of your Own (II)

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